Financing in the startup stage is always a challenge. In this posting entitled Chinese Math, regular contributing writers, Frank Gnisci, gives a great account of market forecast fallacies created in many startup business plans. Too frequently small business owners don’t realize the time and resources required to meet the number of customers that they are forecasting. To reach their objectives it may take a sales force of 100 people which would tremendously impact their direct costs. But because they don’t know what they don’t know, they blindly head down a road toward an impending storm. Have you created an impending storm for your startup or early-stage business?
Read Franks post and tell us if you have experienced similar situations yourself? How did you overcome you situations?
In the trades for 27 years now and on the brink of going out,It would be hard to get financial help anyway,being this climate in the trades. I am using other avenues of networking and marketing to help build something. I would not accept any money from anyone because I know I could not pay it back being in the trades. I have started two e-commerce business’s that are helping but going slowly due to financial constraints. Most of my contacts that I have built up over the years have let their feet do their voting for them and moved out of New York state. Even with a solid business plan,in the blue collar service industry as my self, I can not afford to stay licensed, insured and conform to the tax structure with all the regulations on top of it and compete with all those who work here illegally.
I hear you. It’s tough out there and with the banks as tight with their money as they are we all need to find new ways to do business and finance those endeavors. There is nearly always a way if we are willing to change. What I often find is that business owners are unwilling to change for fear of the unknown. If you are willing to change, which it seems that you are from your other side ventures, you will succeed. It just may not be the way that you originally envisioned. I hope you will find the tools that you need to create this new vision of success for yourself on our blog. – Dino Eliadis