Small business growth is simpler than most people think. The problem is that most books, training, and so called gurus over complicate the puzzle to make themselves look smarter and charge you more. If you knew…
- What to do
- When to do it
- And how to execute
Wouldn’t growing your business be simpler? Sure it would and that’s exactly what this post is all about – simplifying the puzzle of growing your business!
You see, business growth is actually a very well defined process. So, there are a finite number of pieces to the puzzle. If you can learn to see the total picture, you can begin putting the puzzle pieces together for your business. Before you know it the puzzle is put together and your business scales!
Picturing the Business Growth Model
Read my previous post “What’s Your Business Growth Stage?” It gives you an overview of the growth stages. Also read the post “8 Business Growth Factors You Can Influence and Grow Your Business” to see what factors truly impact small business growth. If you’re more of a visual learner you can watch the video below :
Putting Your Puzzle Together
Now, what? Apply the 10 principles of effective business execution!!! That is, put your knowledge into action.
This requires a little deeper understanding of the concepts and principles at each growth stage. You can get everything you need to learn and apply the model to your business with the Business Growth Simplified DIY Masterclass.
Our SPARC Roadmap leads you through the process step-by-step. It’s a DIY Guide outlining the learning objectives to understand the stages of a maturing business; where you need to focus your attention and why in a simple to use online syllabus.
I know this is a little more “in your face selling” than my normal posts. But, the power of this new guide is too powerful to “do the dance.” You can get a 7-day free trial, so I would invite each of you to check out the DIY Masterclass and begin putting your business growth puzzle together!
Or you can get my book Business Growth Simplified: How to Rapidly Create a Self-Sustaining Business. It will provide step-by-step strategies and tactics to accelerate growing your business no matter which stage your at.
If you want more information on growing your business join our exclusive Facebook Group the Business Growth Simplified Collaborative. Ask questions and see how others are applying theses concepts via the step-by-step SPARC Roadmap, courses, tools and resources that are part of our DIY Masterclass.
Growing your business really is easier than you might think. And, we have laid it out in a way that makes simpler than ever to seriously grow your business. I look forward to hearing your feedback on what we can do to make it even simpler!
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