Some of the most difficult work I do with small businesses is getting owners to embrace personal change. We ALL have strengths and weaknesses. It is usually the weaknesses that keep us from performing at our peak potential. When these owner weaknesses are not addressed and the owner is at the helm, the everyone suffers as a result. Our article Leading to New Horizons of Success has a great message along this topic.
Personal change is the first phrase of the DE, Inc. tag line. It is also the first step in achieving real success! If you have the talent required to achieve success as you define it for yourself you would have already achieved it. If you’re not there yet, the first place to look for success is within yourself. What personal changes must you make in order to achieve that which you seek?
Personal Change is Hard – So Get Help
This is a challenge we all face. I struggle with personal change myself. The best way to get through it is with help. Seek the assistance of someone you trust and respect. Then ask them for help! Most people are happy to help a friend in need.
Another good place to look is with the assistance of a coach. There are hundreds of coaches out there. Find someone that has the skills you need to help you in the areas that you struggle, whether it’s personal or business. Make sure you feel comfortable with them. DE, Inc. offers business coaching services. We would be honored if you had the confidence in us to assist you you’re your transition.
The faster you get through this personal change the faster you will realize success. Share your stories of personal change with us here by providing your comments with the positive results that have come from change for you – both personally and professionally.
Copyright ©2009 Dino Eliadis
[…] that ownership must make changes in themselves in order for their business to grow (see the posts Are You Holding Back Your Business? and The Barrier to Achieving Success). This is why our tagline is “Personal Growth, Business […]
I Love this topic about self change. Personal change is so important to ones growth in anything, and in 2020 I found myself changing for the better. I confronted and stopped so many bad habits and thoughts that I had about myself and business. Then I started to focus on the great things that God has allowed me to accomplish in my short life so far. I found strength and growth in myself that others always saw in me, but I had failed to see. 2020 made me and helped me to looking inside myself, (Because we were on lockdown), and to strip myself of all of the bad baggage that I has spent years packing on. Now with personal Mental Health coaching, and Business Growth Simplified I am moving in the right direction with nothing or no one holding me back.
Thank you for sharing your journey and experience with us her. I look forward to seeing how I can help you in the next stage of your growth and change.